Mon - Thurs - 8.30am - 7pm
Fri - Sun - 8.30pm - 7.30pm

Covid-19 Charter at Taste Perthshire

The unprecedented arrival and subsequent impacts of Coronavirus has led us to change how we do some things to help stop the virus spreading and to look out for the health of our customers, our team and our wider community...

We have been working hard throughout lock-down to develop new policies and measures which adhere to Government guidelines.  As a result, we have produced our Covid-19 Charter which details how we are changing things to make your visit to Taste Perthshire safer and also what we need you to do to help us maintain our Covid-free status.

Whilst we are doing everything we can to keep Taste Perthshire Covid-free, please be aware that the contagious nature of covid-19 means that, although we have put in place preventative measures to reduce its spread, the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the virus is still present. We cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed to covid-19 and cannot accept any liability relating to this.

Current Government restrictions mean that we can only operate until 6pm and all diners must have left the premises by that time.   We highly recommend booking your table in advance if you wish to dine with us.   We are not allowed to serve alcoholic drinks indoors.

These restrictions will be reviewed on 2nd November and we will update this page accordingly based on Government direction.

Read through our Covid Charter.  You might want to bring a few items to use whilst you are here, such as:

  • - Your own face mask(s)/covering – it’s mandatory to wear a face mask/covering when in a shop so you MUST have one to come inside Taste Perthshire.  It is not mandatory to wear it in the restaurant.  Face masks are available to purchase if you forget to bring one.
  • - Disposable gloves if you wear them out and about.
  • - Hand sanitiser, although this is available freely throughout the business.

Please don’t travel to or visit Taste Perthshire if you have:

  • - A high temperature (37.8 degrees or higher).
  • - A new and continuous cough.
  • - Loss of taste or smell.

Restaurant Customers will be asked to complete contact information online to facilitate Track and Trace/ Test & Protect enquiries, if required.  

  • All staff are fully briefed daily on hygiene using up to date Government recommendations.
  • All staff wash and sanitise their hands, on entry to work and throughout the day.
  • We have created more spacing between tables.
  • Everything has been removed from tables to ease cleaning between customer use.
  • All glassware, crockery & cutlery is washed at 160 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • We will be repeat sanitising entry and exit door handles and public toilets regularly during service.
  • Hand sanitiser is placed at till points to be used when handling cash. 
  • We will be maintaining this high level of sanitisation on a daily basis and with intense scrutiny. 
  • In addition, we are taking steps to ensure the welfare of our employees. This includes instructing employees who have flu-like symptoms to stay at home and self-isolate per Government recommendations.

You must wear a face covering/ mask when you are in our shopping areas.   The main difference to our shops is that we have implemented a one way system and have installed perspex screens at payment point.  You must adhere to social distancing throughout the shop and hand sanitiser stations are available.  Visual prompts are there to remind you to remain 2m away from other customers and our team members.

We recommend booking a table for dining in our Restaurant, although we are also accepting walk in customers when tables are available.

As part of the Government’s Test & Protect initiative, customers are requested to complete contact details via an online form, the details of which will be stored securely online for 4 weeks.  This information will help to facilitate any necessary test & protect enquiries.  A QR code will be available to scan on your smart phone which will take you to the online form.  This form should be completed for each household present within your party.

Our menu will be available online which you can access by QR code on your smartphone.  Disposable paper menus are available on request if you cannot use a smart phone.

Once seated your waiter or waitress will take your order and provide you with cutlery, glassware if necessary and condiments all of which will be sanitised.

Our restaurant team will be wearing appropriate PPE and there will be hand sanitiser stations and wipes available throughout the Restaurant area.

Food Handling
Our team are formally trained in food safety best practice which has been enhanced to help stop virus spread.  We’ve also re-organised our kitchens to help with social distancing behind the scenes.   Do let us know of any food allergens as soon as you can.

Card Payments
When its time to pay please visit the cash desk.  Our card machine is sanitised with each use and wipes are available.   Cash payments are still accepted if required.


Please follow the signage which clearly marks the way out via the front door, observing social distancing.


We ask that no more than 2 persons use our toilet facilities at any one time.  Hand sanitiser will be available at the door and anti-bacterial handwash is also available in the sink dispensers.  Toilets are being cleaned and sanitised regularly throughout the day.


Stick to all government guidelines and any procedures we and other local businesses have in place – we can help advise you on the requirements of immediate local businesses.

- Wash your hands frequently for a minimum of 20 seconds with warm water and soap.
- Make use of the plentiful hand sanitiser stations.
- Need to cough or sneeze? Catch it in a tissue and bin it.
- Keep your distance from others.
- Pay by contactless where you can..


We have developed enhanced cleaning to help stop virus spread amongst our guests and our team. From front of house to behind the scenes, enhanced cleaning measures not only mean that we are cleaning more regularly, but that we are zoning in on more high contact areas.

We have implemented a deep cleaning procedure for all areas using biocidal cleaning sprays.  These products have the required EN14476 ingredient which has been tested and found to be effective on SARS-Cov-2. 

Most cleaning is done with cotton/man made and micro-fibre cloths. After each use the cloths are either appropriately discarded or washed at a high temperature for re-use.

PPE – Our team have all been provided with appropriate PPE and training on how to use them.  Perspex screens have been installed at till-point areas.

Enhanced Cleanliness - In addition to extra cleaning to help stop virus spread, some of our cleaning and maintenance team may be wearing personal protective equipment whilst keeping our public areas clean.


To help stop virus spread our team are all:

- Trained on COVID-19 safety and sanitation protocols, and what they do if a customer or colleague becomes unwell.
- Washing their hands and using hand sanitiser on a regular basis and between serving guests at breakfast time. 
- Trained on physical distancing guidelines and protocols required both behind the scenes and when working with guests.
- Carrying their own pens to reduce contact.
- Having their uniforms washed above 60 degrees.
- Provided with the right PPE for their role and trained in how to use and dispose of it safely.


If you develop any Covid-19 symptoms whilst visiting Taste Perthshire, you need to:

  • Inform a Team Member
  • Contact NHS Direct by calling 111 and follow the guidance given.
  • If you are contacted by Test & Protect/ to say that you may have come in contact with someone who has Covid-19, we ask that you follow the same procedure.

If you are tested positive for Covid-19 we ask that you return home to self-isolate.




Restaurant, Deli & Gourmet Takeaway


Countrywear, Leisure & Gift Shops


Food Larder, Whiskies & Wine

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